Sunday, April 25, 2010

I've Been to the Future

Let's face it pussycats, I've been in the future and it's glorious. I know it might be hard to believe without a little explanation but I am more than prepared to do such. If you are standing, please sit. If you are sitting, get the fuck on the floor. If you are on the floor, then just take it easy.

The future is okay. I mean maybe "glorious" was pushing it. It rarely actually benefits my life. It's not as far forward where I can buy stocks and make boatloads of money. And I can't stop natural disasters or keep people from dieing. Truth be said, I am merely 3 hours in the future. Go ahead and look at your cell phone. Trust me, its three hours later where I am; did I just blow your mind?

There is one major benefit I've found by living in the future; I've seen Jeff O'Brien; future Jeff O'Brien that is. I'm not sure how his path has changed since I knew him in the past, but the future is bright my friend. He is now in advertising, oh, pardon me. He WILL be in advertising in the FUTURE. I guess that something to look forward to. Enjoy him in the latest AT&T ad.

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