Thursday, October 4, 2007

How the La Jolla sink-hole is a metaphor for why I hate you…

As foretold, a blog about me being allergic to seafood and in result will not be going diving for lobsters.

O.K, hate may be a strong word, but you wanna know what really grinds my gears...people not understanding my dislike for seafood. it's a fact that nobody can except, i tell somebody i don't eat seafood and it's "what?!, are you sure? have you tried (insert sickening underwater creature here)...I'm sorry, it's gross. i had to start telling people I'm allergic to it, just because when they hear that, they're suddenly understanding, but god forbid i just don't like the sea shit, cuss then i have to listen to a ten minute speech about it being scrumptious (promise Jonas i would get that word in my first blog).

None the less, i just wanted to get this blog thing please, comment, rip me for gayness, write you're own blog...but just do something!

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