Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Is there a point to even saying that we are making resolutions? Im not sure about you all, but I have failed at all of mine for 2007.

1) lose weight...check
2) get out of credit card debt...check
3) stop fucking the FB (we all know who that is, number 1)...check
4) stop eating KFC...check

so I guess my point is that we all tend to make these silly promises to ourselves (goals) that are really a bunch of BS in there a point to this?


Michael Farradae said...

you shouldnt eat kfc in the first place.
shit will make you sterile.

Anonymous said...

who says I don't WANT to be sterile?

My name is Jonas said...

My new years resolution...

*Stop making resolutions.

errmm... SHIT.