Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Super, my ass

With apologies to our one friend who likes that team from New York...

In my opinion, this was a shitty weekend of football. Our current hometown team lost, the storybook that IS Brett Favre lost, the Masshole Patriots are still undefeated, and the mildly retarded Mannging brother is in the Super Bowl. Excuse me, low grade learning disability? Eh, fuck it, retarded. Seriously, does anybody else look at the expressions on his face and just get the feeling that he'd rather be somewhere throwing a frisbee or chasing butterflies?

So yeah, the Super Bowl is going to blow. I fucking hate the Patriots. Their coach is an asshole, and the only thing entertaining about him is that we can laugh at those dumbshit cutoff, oversized, six year old sweatshirts. The real bitch of it? It was so cold in New England this past weekend that I didn't even get THAT pleasure while watching San Diego go down. In the two weeks before this so called Super Bowl, we get to see Tom Brady's smug ass smirk on camera while saying things that pass as humble. FUCK.

Then on the other side of the ball, we have the Little Giant Urban Achievers. Somehow, Miss Eliza Manning has been playing above herself for a couple of weeks now. Who doesn't believe that it's only a matter of time before she realizes that she's the SHITTY Manning? I give it a quarter and a half into the game... then we'll see that familiar confused look that we've all grown to love and she'll throw a touchdown pass... to a Patriots defensive back.

Besides, didn't we just see this game like three weeks ago? At least the commercials will be better. Who knows, it could be a close game again... but honestly, I hate the Pats, i dislike the Giants, and I could give a rat's ass who wins this game.

You know what I do like? Guacamole. Mmmm....


Anonymous said...

"what...what happened? Where am I?"
Eli Manning

My name is Jonas said...

I can see him sitting on the sidelines now, trying to fit a little square plastic peg into a circular hole...

Anonymous said...

the coaching staff gives him that to play with so he doesn't wander off and get lost...and by the way, he has to wear that helmet on and off the field and he is driven around in nice cars not because he is famous, but because he doesn't have the mental capacity to drive himself "I'm Eli Manning" (said kinda like Matt Damon, but even more retarded sounding)