Monday, January 7, 2008

work sucks

How bad is it to return to work after 14 days off? Let me put it this way, I scheduled a dentist appointment for the first part of my day rather than be working. I haven’t been at the dentist for about 4 years, which explains why my bill was $3372, excluding the cost to have my wisdom teeth removed. But hell, I’ll go get my wisdom teeth pulled to get some additional time off of work. I get the first part of my dental work done next Monday afternoon; I’m looking forward to it
But coming back to work has a complete drag man. I showed up at the crack of dawn, 10:45, and plan on leaving around 5:00, depending. What have I done today? Nothing. I walked around the plant, yelled at a few people, delivered to cans of metal polish to people, and reset my desk. We got our offices worked on over the break and I’ll say, it looks decent. I don’t think it will make anyone act more professional or encourage any sort of positive work ethic. Speaking of which, I just got to the last boss in Zelda for the DS and I’m really excited to play it at work tomorrow to help the time fly. I only hope I don’t get bored at home tonight and inadvertently beat it then.
But I don’t know man, work is a drag. After having 2 weeks off I realize even more now that people who work for a living are nuts. How can you? Not working is the best thing ever. I think it was Socrates that said, “A man who works is a dude that totally sucks.” I’m not as deep as him but I think after reflecting on the whole job deal that I’ve come as close to him as a man can get to a man.
Even now, I’m not working, and if someone asks me to do something, I’m just gonna tell them that I’m on my way to lunch, I just have to fire off some emails prior to, which is a lie. Essentially, I schedule my time around arriving to work, lunch, and leaving work, and try to find ways to fill the gaps in between without actually having to do something, such as writing this or going to the dentist office, which is incidentally paid for by typing this blog.


Anonymous said...

I think it was Plato who said that...If it was Socrates it would have been phrased as a question like, "Does a man who works suck?"

My name is Jonas said...

Not to shit on your parades or anything, but i do believe it was actually Bill S. Preston, Esquire that said that.

Anonymous said...

Wild Stallions!