Monday, November 5, 2007

Women are like Bears

And I don't mean in the sense that Stephen Colbert does when he talks about bears...

A recent work observation is that lately not very many women have been coming down to the food court to eat luch. During the warmer Spring and Summer months the female professional can be found in that habitat quite frequently. The female professionals travel in pacts and will dress up to make themselves more attractive to the male professional so that interaction such as mingling or flirting will be conductive.

When the cooler Fall and Winter months set in the female professional seems to all but disappear from the habitat. It would seem that they have filled themselves with all the calories they will need during the warmer months in preparation for the long winter slumber or hibernation. This year the cooler temperatures have set in early and the male professionals have been left to feed by themselves, it will surely be a long Fall and Winter for the hungry males.


My name is Jonas said...

Imagine that... JOB writing about flirting with women in the workplace.

Don't know much about that, do we JOB? Don't know about..."sticking your pen in the company ink," eh? Never... hooked up with a coworker or anything, right? Wouldn't want to cause any trouble for HR, right? Never... stuck your face in one of these bears' pots of honey, have we? Hmmm? Because that's certainly not asking for trouble. ;-)

Michael Farradae said...

its funny cuz i actually wrote a newspaper column in college talking about the exact same thing.

My name is Jonas said...

The exact same thing? That's in-fucking-credible!!! How'd you write about JOB hitting on women in the work place before a) you had even met him or b) before he was even IN the workplace? Jesus, dude, you're like a modern day prophet. Nostra-goddamn-damus. You should definitely use that gift more often...

Michael Farradae said...

i should but i dont, i cannot use my gift to earn money or fame, its sorta a drag.