Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Crab Cake Sandwiches???

Nobody's written in a while. That makes My Name is Jonas a sad blogger.

Anyway, I'm no better.

It's been pretty much a useless work day... half the company is already on vacation, those that are here aren't doing jack or shit. I've already read up on all the news at ESPN, checked up on the Clemson Tiger newsboards, read a handful of online comics, and checked my college football blog... and I've been here for less than two hours. Days like today make me wonder why they even pay me.

Anyway, after I wasted the first part of my morning, I decided to get some work done... so I went and chatted with my assistant about non-work related things. (nicely done, My Name is Jonas... nicely done) Somehow it came up that she was going to order crab cake sandwiches for lunch. My gut reaction went like this... "Crab cake sandwiches???? Get the fuck out!!!!" Probably not very professional, but I couldn't really help myself. Which leads me to my obligatory nod to internet pop culture....

So, what's the haps tonight? I'm probably getting out of Dresden before 2, so... holla.

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