As promised, the new movie will be written next month and filming be start in march.
Here are the roles available.
Please don't discuss what roles you are going with anyone.
It's kinda like Fight Club, the first role of You Got Cubed is you don't talk about You Got Cubed.
The second, well, you get the idea.
So. We'll begin auditions whenever I buy a camera for this.
You can talk to me about any of the roles.
All names are subject to change.
Please choose characters based on your availability to waste time on this.
You Got Cubed Script
1.) Barry Bostwick
a. This is prolly gonna be me
2.) Sancho Panda
a. Long time friend and trainer
b. Male
c. Mexican Heritage
3.) Flowers Schulmann
a. Falls in love with Barry
b. Who can blame her
c. Woman, prolly Karen
4.) Stoudamire “Check Mate” Jonez
a. The enemy
b. Competes in Dancing and Calculus competition
c. German
d. Male
5.) Billy “The Shakes” Dirtrat
a. Bookie
b. Male
c. Shady Character in general
d. Ties to fix the competitions for financial gain
e. Bribes Barry
f. American
g. He might be French actually
h. We’ll figure out a new name later
6.) Margaret Thatcher
a. Woman
b. Total Whore
c. Tries to convince Barry to go to the dirty side
d. Has to dress like a tramp
7.) Dr. Bribel Knorchelz
a. We’ll make this guy Indian
b. Native American I mean
c. He’s a doctor that kinda like does stuff during the movie say that Barry’s training to too strenuous
d. Is also against Barry doing drugs
e. Male
f. We’ll give him a feather too, like a headband
8.) Chester Dollarbags
a. This guy is rich and funds Barry’s training and entry fee
9.) Snagglepuss
a. This is Barry’s Zombie brother
b. He eventually dies
c. Male
10.) Bart Darby
a. The American dancer from the street
b. Calculus master but retired
c. He’s sorta like Apollo Creed in Rocky III
d. Male
e. You may have to put on make-up to appear African American
i. This is only preferred
11.) Franz “Roundhouse” Bullschtein
a. German
b. Stoudamire’s Trainer
12.) Burgess Meredith
a. This is Stoudamire’s girlfriend
b. She talks a lot of trash
c. I’m thinking she’ll be American
d. She’s a mild whore
i. Dresses semi-trashy
13.) Ma Bostwick
a. Barry’s Mom
b. She’s Old