Sunday, November 11, 2007

This is the problem I have...

I highly doubt that anyone else has this problem but this is the kinda stuff that toils on my mind day in and day out. First off, like most people, I sorta have mixed reviews about my job. I like money however I don't enjoy doing any work ever. Example being, I was buying some clothes Friday, the the retail mistress at the checkout had asked me "How are you doing today?" I shook my head in disgust and sorrow and said "Not too good here lady." "What's wrong?" "Well, I was playing Madden earlier and I beat the Saints to finish off my regular season then simulated the Wildcard playoffs (I had already clinched a playoff spot) and inadvertantly simulated the rest of the season, losing to the Seahwaks in the first round of the playoffs." I mean, she was at work and THIS was the worst thing that happened to me all day, excluding my dimishing stockade of champagne. So I felt sorta bad. But this isn't the problem I have. The problem I have is this. Okay, I know some of you guys wear you fancy button down shirts/suits, or a nice little polo shirt to work. Here's my typical work attire. A flannel I picked up at Goodwill, covering a plain white Hanes Shirt, with or without coffee or grease stains, and a pair of ripped jeans and a pair of Chucks (and socks adn underwear of course). In "Life's Little Instruction Manual" is says "Don't dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want." Previously, I was doing neither. However, It got me to thinking, "Ya know, I'm a 27 year old engineer and sometimes when I'm superhungover and go to 7-11 for some snacks in this attire, I may be construed as homeless. Point made, so maybe should dress nicer to work. And this is my problem. I been picking up some collared shrts that are nice enough to wear to work, it's a step up. But I don't liek these shirts enough to wear in a social setting. And typically, these shirts cost more than my social setting shirts. So in essence, I am spending more money of workshirts that I don't even like, than my regular shirts. Now I know what you're saying "Why don't you just buy workshirts that you like enough to wear outside of work?" I'm not gonna wear a collared shirt outside of work unless I'm going to court or church (Hold me to this!). Now I can't very well buy cheaper shirts cuz I will utterly hate them, and financially speaking, that is fucking nuts! Also, I can;t wear shirts I like to work cuz I'll get them dirty with grease and holes. Case in point, my barrybostwickband shirt, the old black one, I ruined my previous one and was on my last one and wore it to work, "It's black," I figured, "it can't get greasy." And sure as shit in your poop chute, I ripped it on something.

It just fucking sucks, that I have to spend money on clothes that I won't wear outside of work and like, just enough, for them to potentially get ruined at owrk.


JOB said...

Quit your complaining you whiny bitch...I have to wear a fucking suit and tie to work, have spend thousands, yes thousands of dollars on my crappy work attire that I practically never wear outside of work. Don't get me wrong I like looking nice and the respect that I receive from colleagues and random people when I wear my pimping attire, but seriously you don't have it bad my friend... All of my work clothes take up about half my closet space and make me look like a real buttoned down, johnny corporate gay when people come by, go up to the moonlight lounge and sneak a peek into my closet. I wish I didn't have to look like that and I wish I could have back every dollar that I have spent on my fucking wardrobe. Next time you find yourself complaining that your work attire sucks and that you don't want to buy collared shirts that you won't ever wear outside work I want you think of me and then shutta you mouth.

Michael Farradae said...

dude, just go to johnny v's, youll fit fit in there you fuckin schmooze

Plumazing said...

here's my solution, why don't you spend more money on the clothes you were outside of work, the non-collar gear, then you'll be spending less on work clothes by a simple dollar ratio...

i just hate to see you guys fight....tear

My name is Jonas said...

You know what really fucking sucks? Work. That seems to be the root of the problem here, am i right? We should all just quit and make an internet site where we tell you exactly when celebrities get naked... or something a little more creative. Then it wouldn't matter what we wear.

Or we could all just do porn. I hear you get to keep the wardrobe from those movies...

Plumazing said...

no deal, i hear they make you do gay porn before straight porn.....what a disgusting business!

Michael Farradae said...

actually , i heard the same thing about gay porn too. i think if we all buy a house on the beach and throw parties all the time, not only would we be cool, but we'd be rich if wee charged at the door. thats what we did when we ran low on money in college.

JOB said...

I say we open a sweet ass bar and live the dream! We all love drinking and we could have bands play also...we all love music. Jason can start his side business of running a record label and I'll open the recording studio that I have always wanted. Im not sure what Mike would be good for, but we could use some extra capital for start up so he is in. Maybe we make him the bouncer since he is so intimidating. Sam...well...we'll figure something out for you buddy. Maybe bathroom atttendant? I think this is the best way for us all to wear the clothes that we want to every day and it will make us all happy in the end. Who's coming with me?

PS...I ain't doin no gay porn. Exit Only!

Michael Farradae said...

Jeff, you can always give...
Also, I can act as the local drunk that buys other people drinks so people can say, "Let's go to -the bar- and see if that creepy guy thats always drunk is there and buys us shots again." Joke is on those guys sicne the shot i'll be buying are practically free. Those idiots.

JOB said...

That doesn't sound like good business for the bar. You're fired and shit! ( so as not to infringe upon the Donald's trademark of the phrase you're fired)