Saturday, March 20, 2010

ive seen television (part 1)

So I am lodged up in a shitty hotel room with less excitement than I'm accustomed to. So I've taken comfort in the old idiot box and goddamn is it bad. I take particular enjoyment from infomercials.

In one particular instance they were selling concealing make up for women; one issue being red blotches. Their celebrity spokeswoman said that people ask her how her face was so perfect and she said SHE had a secret. Intrigued I listened on. And she told us her secret. She said that her secret was that she literally airbrushed her splotches away. Uh...literally airbrushed them away? What does that have to do with make-up? People are stupid. Until I find something else thy makes me pity the human race....


Flecko said...

I personally love infomercials. I've watched the one for that thing that chops stuff up like 20 times. That australian guy yelling at the fat guy that wants more pizza is the best.

Anonymous said...

Looks like you've discovered the world of painfully mind numbing hotel television.


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